Monday, March 10, 2014

Days 62-69 - #365grateful

ACK! I'm so far behind! I'm still taking photos here and there and am grateful, but I've been busy and then I gave up electronic "screens" for Lent, so that kind of messed up this blog. I may have to make this blog an exception to the rule.

Here are the things I've been grateful for over the past week!

Monday, March 3 (Day 62)
Grateful that Kaitlyn and I got to spend some mom & daughter time before her music class on Monday. And she was definitely grateful for the warm brownie! 

Tuesday, March 4 (Day 63)
I was so grateful for Kaitlyn's friend's mom. Tuesday, the mom agreed to help us out with childcare on Wednesday. The mom agreed to watch Kaitlyn in the morning before school so we didn't have to pay the school a crazy amount for 20 minutes of care. Photo below is Kaitlyn and the friend.
Photo is OBVIOUSLY not from now. Grass? HA!

Wednesday, March 5 (Day 64)
Despite having THE worst view, I'm grateful I have a treadmill so I can get some half-marathon training in even when its bitterly cold outside. 

Thursday, March 6 (Day 65)
Kaitlyn had her first orthodontist appointment on Thursday. It was just a consultation to discuss the game plan for her teeth over the next several years. I'm grateful that even though it was Kaitlyn's appointment, Dr. Christine Novak took the time to discuss the crowding I have in my lower teeth. I had braces TWICE on the bottom when I was young - once in 4th grade (with the top as well) and once in high school. I followed orders, wore my headgear and retainers and I still ended up with crowding. After finding out that Dr. Novak is the daughter of MY orthodontist (Dr. Smith of East Lansing), she explained the crowding is NOT my fault and really there isn't anything to do about it. So, I will live the rest of my days with some crowding on the bottom but faith that I did everything I was supposed to and the rest of my mouth looks great!

Friday, March 7 (Day 66)
Tim and I did not feel like cooking on Friday. So we're both grateful for Brody Cafeteria on MSU's campus. We had to hurry and grab our food because it was Spring Break and they were closing early, but we got all we needed, had great variety and didn't have to cook! (PS - if you're in the area and haven't been there before, GO!)
Not my photo

Saturday, March 8 (Day 67)
Sooooo grateful for naps. After my 5 mile run, I was tired!

Sunday, March 9 (Day 68)
I'm grateful for the Praise Team at my church! I really like singing and participating! As long as no one is disturbed by my voice, I may just continue this on forever! :)

Monday, March 10 
Daylight savings stinks. I'm grateful for coffee today.


  1. I just finished my Invisalign treatment for my teeth because they shifted back since high school. My orthodontist said the new thinking is that you just have to wear a retainer the rest of your life (at night) if you want to keep your teeth straight.

    I haven't been to the Brody cafe yet, but I want to go every time I visit my parents.

    Love your photos, by the way!

    1. Thanks Ingrid! Yeah, the orthodontist and I discussed the permanent retainer option, but she ended up talking me out of it. Oh well. I'll just continue to cringe every time I bite into an apple and see the teeth marks. ;)

      BTW, your smile looks great! As does your make up. (I've peeked at your blog and am totally impressed!)

      Brody = lots of food, options, fresh and CHEAP!
